Posts tagged Service Based Business
Introverted Expert and Struggle with Sales Conversations?

Are you an introverted expert and struggling with sales conversations?

Feel like you suck at selling your services?

Many of the introverts I’ve spoken to struggle to not over-give and over-share their strategic insights during a sales conversation.

Or worse?

They think connection, being friendly, and being open to being led by the buyer is going to make their service more palatable.

Introverts can and are excellent at sales, with some support and training on how to hold your own in sales conversations.

It’s not as hard as you might think, in fact, introverts are naturally good at sales and sometimes need some help to harness their skill of listening and asking questions.

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Creating the Best Client Intake Forms.

Psst… Your intake form is a sales tool.

In this interview, you’ll hear me share:

  • How to use your intake form as a sales tool.

  • How to use your intake form to gather marketing language

  • How to ask questions that help you, screen clients, for fit

  • How to use your intake form as a relationship-building tool

If you’re ready to up your intake form game, listen below.

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Business + Leadership Coach. What NOT to ask on your intake form. An Intake Form Review.

This week’s review is a GREAT example of what NOT to do.

You might catch yourself thinking that this review is all stop, don’t do this and you are right.

I need to show you what the rules are before we can attempt to break them.

Because in the online space, you’ll see a million copy cat questions and most of them are going after the same kinds of answers.

But rest assured, I am here to show you a different way to ask for the sale.

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