Posts in Sales Coaching
How to Research Potential Clients.

Have you ever experienced this?

A new lead drops into your inbox and just reading their intake form answers messes with your mind?

If this is you, you’ve just been triggered by a past experience and it’s blinding you to all possibilities?

Maybe, you are not unlike the clients I work with who immediately see a new lead and are blinded by their brilliance and that causes you to doubt your ability to sell your services to them.

Or, maybe you start assuming they aren’t a fit for your work because you misread something they said in their intake form answers?

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Business + Leadership Coach. What NOT to ask on your intake form. An Intake Form Review.

This week’s review is a GREAT example of what NOT to do.

You might catch yourself thinking that this review is all stop, don’t do this and you are right.

I need to show you what the rules are before we can attempt to break them.

Because in the online space, you’ll see a million copy cat questions and most of them are going after the same kinds of answers.

But rest assured, I am here to show you a different way to ask for the sale.

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